Month: May 2018

  • Cookie policy, old EU directives, ICO and GDPR

    Cookie policy, old EU directives, ICO and GDPR

    Based on two European Directives, ICO had pushed websites to warn users when they use cookies and an explicit consent was needed. The deadline was 25 May 2011. After a lot of initial confusion and last minute ugly popups appearing on some websites, ICO in 2012 agreed for implicit consent in some cases and even…

  • Code injection found in our latest web vulnerability assessment

    Code injection found in our latest web vulnerability assessment

    Our latest web vulnerability assessment was unique not only because we had the highest findings till date (30 issues) but more because we found a code injection. While MySQL injections allow you to inject SQL commands on your database and may cause sensitive data from the database to be leaked, the code injection allows you…